Professional Development

Supporting Veterans Children Through Transitions

When a service member leaves active duty service, the family leaves too. This course on Supporting Veterans’ Children Through Transitions™ enables youth-serving educators, professionals, and parents to support the unique transitional challenges children face when their parents separate from the military, regardless of whether the separation is voluntary or involuntary. Participants learn positive strategies, tools and resources to successfully support Veterans' children through these unfamiliar transitions.

Estimated completion time: 1-1.5 hours. You can download your Certificate of Completion for professional development upon course completion and survey submission.

IMPORTANT: If you don't finish the course in one sitting, once you log back into your account, the course completion rate will still indicate 0%. However, once you click directly back into your course, it will take you back where you left off.
  • Supporting Veterans Children Through Transitions
  • Course Completion Requirements Reminder
  • End of Course Survey SVCTT
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Supporting Veterans Children Through Transitions, Course Completion Requirements Reminder, End of Course Survey SVCTT"